Wednesday 31 August 2011

Bee Lovely to your hands!!

As I mentioned in an earlier blog, I’ve had a touch of the sniffles lately (at the time of course I had the flu, but looking back on it, I probably just had a cold!). I’ve spent a couple of lazy evenings chilling on the sofa, and dosing myself up on honey and lemon drinks. I’ve also been making full use of honey in my hand cream after discovering Bee Lovely Hand Cream by Neal's Yard Remedies. I've taken the good advice that doctors give out about colds, “wrap up warm, take it easy and wash your hands regularly”. This has been a great excuse to apply the hand cream several times a day, it’s a good job it’s handbag sized as I’ve not wanted to go anywhere without it.

The Bee Lovely hand cream is made with organic honey and orange essential oils, so it smells divine. The fair-trade brazil nut oil has kept my hands super soft. It manages to be rich, and yet not greasy, so you don’t get left with that tacky feeling you get from some hand creams.

This wonderful cream isn't just great for the hands though, it is also helping the rapidly declining bee population. Bee Lovely Hand Cream is £9.50 for 50ml, with £1 from every tube sold goes to the Neal's Yards chosen Bee friendly initiatives BugLife, LandLife and Pesticide Action Network UK. If you want to do more to help then you can also sign the Neal's Yard Bee Lovely Petition at to campaign for Neonicotinoid pesticides to be banned in Britain, as they are in France, Germany, Italy and Slovenia.

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