Sunday 28 August 2011

My little miracle pot

I woke up this morning with a stinking cold. Now I’m one of those people that doesn’t cope well when I’m ill, I curl up on the sofa and insist that the other half waits on me hand and foot. I demand hot drinks with lemon and honey, blankets to keep me warm, and sympathy on cue. I don’t get any of this, but I live in hope. 

I have discovered one miracle product that does soothe me though, it helps me come out the other side of my cold looking normal. Take a bow Peppermint Calm Balm from Peachykeen Organics. This little £5.50 wonder pot is great for keeping my lips smooth, year round as well, but when I have a cold a tiny amount rubbed on my red nose stops it from becoming dry and chapped. There are only 6 ingredients in this little pot, all of which are certified organic, all of which work together so well. This 15g pot is also produced in an unscented version, and can also be used to soften cuticles, moisturise dry skin patches and add a touch of shimmer to your cheekbones. 

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